Parent to Parent of Pennsylvania – Linking families of children and adults with disabilities or special needs

Parent to Parent of Pennsylvania

At Parent to Parent of Pennsylvania, when someone asks what we do, we say we empower and support parents throughout our great state. We connect them with families of children & adults with special needs or disabilities who’ve had similar journeys.

The peaks and valleys they experience along the way might sometimes feel a little overwhelming.

 So, we’re driven to ensure no parent feels alone. Ever.

How? By providing the emotional support they need to help overcome whatever life throws at them. Share our own experiences and let them know, whatever happens, they’ve got this.

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Expanding Our Reach

At Parent to Parent of PA we are always striving to expand our reach to families who have a child or adult with a disability or special need. In those efforts, we have helped to create and administer the following support programs:

Early Intervention Infant Toddler and Early Intervention Preschool Direct Referral programs (EI Direct Referrals); Pediatric Therapy Professionals “Family Connection” program (PTP); Neonatal Intensive Care Parent Support programs (NICU’s); Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP- Trisomy 21 Parent Peer program and Pulmonary Hypoplasia program) and the Family Connections for Language and Learning program.

Did You Know?

That the Parent to Parent of PA program administers nine additional matching programs under our larger umbrella, which we call “Affiliate Programs”. 

Historically various agencies and hospitals have been matching families together for support and information on an informal basis for decades. Mostly service coordinators and nurses will take the lead making the match with no formal structure in place. By offering to create a parent support program whereby the agency or program helps to recruit the mentor base under the umbrella of our larger organization, you will be able to offer “best practices” in the match process and address the family’s specific needs. 

  • Maintains the capacity and/or ability to match families with diverse experiences including, but not limited to ethnicity, culture, race, language, socio-economic, disability, and other child/family-related factors
  • The match is driven by the concerns, needs, and priorities of the Referred Parents
  • Offering training to the recruited mentor base of “new” support parents
  • Providing 100% follow-up to make sure that the family seeking support is happy with their match
  • Utilizing the matching expertise of the Parent to Parent of PA staff
  • Housing the match documentation in our custom database
  • If you are interested in starting an Affiliate Program, contact the state office at 717-649-4861

Get Matched